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Annual Meetings are an important part of running the association you live in. But sometimes it can be hard to garner enough homeowner attendance to make quorum, vote on board candidates, or conduct other meeting objectives. To help you build homeowner interest and meet quorum at your next annual meeting, we want to offer a few tips that can help you out!

  1. Effective Communication:

Start early. Announce the annual meeting well in advance. While all states have a minimum number of days that your meeting notice will need to go out by, it’s better to send the notice out a few weeks earlier so homeowners have time to plan.

Use multiple channels. Send notifications via email, physical mail, community bulletin boards, social media, and your association’s website to make sure everyone has a chance to see the notice.

Create engaging invitations. When sending notices or posting flyers around the community and online, use eye-catching designs and clear, concise language to highlight the importance of the meeting.

Follow up reminders. Send reminders at least a week before and a day before the meeting.

  1. Convenient Timing and Location:

Choose a convenient date and time. Schedule the meeting at a time when most homeowners are available, such as on weekends or in the early evening.

Select an accessible location. For most community members, teleconference is the most accessible meeting location. Even if you choose to have a physical meeting, such as at a community club house, adding a virtual option will help bring in more homeowners.

  1. Incentives and Rewards:

Offer incentives. Consider raffles, door prizes, or refreshments to make the meeting more appealing. Hosting your meeting at the neighborhood park for children to play and offering pizza for everyone is a great way to bring in the community!

  1. Engaging Content:

Guest speakers or presentations. Invite relevant speakers or presenters who can offer valuable insights or information that will interest homeowners.

Q&A sessions. Always remember to allocate time for community members to ask questions and share their concerns.

  1. Proxy Voting and Absentee Ballots:

Allow proxy voting. Enable homeowners to vote in absentia if they can’t attend in person. Or offer absentee ballots to allow homeowners to submit their votes by mail or electronically before the meeting.

  1. Feedback Mechanism:

Seek input. Encourage homeowners to provide input on the meeting format, content, and timing for future improvements before setting forth the annual meeting agenda.

Act on feedback. Show that you value their opinions by implementing suggested changes when possible.

  1. Community Involvement:

Foster a sense of community. Create opportunities for neighbors to connect and socialize before or after the meeting. Building community well before the meeting will help ensure homeowners care, which will make them more apt to attend.

By implementing these HOA management tips, you can work toward improving annual meeting attendance and increasing homeowner participation in your association’s decision-making process. We hope this has been helpful to you and wish you luck at your next community meeting!