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The amount owed by the property owner that contributes to the upkeep of the association. This may include maintenance and utilities for common areas, insurance, repairs and replacements, administrative functions (bookkeeping, taxes, management, etc.), landscape maintenance, community events, and entrance signs and/or monuments.

Remittant Stub

Return this portion with your payment to the payment processing center. Payments can be placed in the return envelope received with your assessment statement. Check or money order payments should be made payable to the association and mailed to P.O. Box 292875, Lewisville, TX 75029.

Amount Due
  • Current Amount - Amount being charged to your account in the past 30 days.
  • Over 30 Days - Amounts that have been past due 30-59 days.
  • Over 60 Days - Amounts that have been past due 60-89 days.
  • Over 90 Days - Amounts that have been past due 90+ days.
  • Total Due - Current and past due charges that are owed as of the statement date.
Account Number

For a fast and easy account registration on the JellyBird HOA app, use your account number.

Mailing Address

Includes your homeowner mailing address. If you need to make changes to your mailing address, please send an email, including your account number, to [email protected].


Portion of the bill that describes what the charges are being billed for. You will find some definitions for many of the terms that may be found on your statement.