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Keeping your community safe is an important part of any secure HOA. But while it’s easy to say, many people don’t realize all the different ways they can help keep their neighborhood a safe and cheerful place to live. To help, here are 8 security features and tips you can implement that will transform and improve the safety of your neighborhood.


Security Gates

Gates are often the first line of defense for a community. In a study conducted in 2013, it was proven that gated communities had a 33% lower chance of being burglarized. But don’t assume that because you live in a gated community, you don’t need any other security measures. Installing gates are a great first step at neighborhood safety, but after that is done, it is good to remember to take other precautions as well.

Security Booth

Security booths go hand-in-hand with gates. They are another great first line of defense for a community and help with deterring any bad guys from entering the neighborhood. Using a security booth alongside a gate, or in lieu of one, can prevent dangers before they occur.

To make a security booth more worthwhile, employing a security company to assign a guard will create a strong proactive stance against crime.  While this would be an extra charge for the community, it will help ensure that the community’s gates are being utilized properly.

Security Company

If your community is looking to outsource the work of protecting your neighborhood, a security company might be just the thing. Professional security companies offer an array of services from patrolling the grounds, to setting up lights and cameras, to educating residents. It is up to the HOA to decide which company will offer the best services for their community.

Neighborhood Watch

Establishing a neighborhood watch is another great step to take to stay vigilant within your community, know your weak spots, and keep open communication with your neighbors. A neighborhood watch works in conjunction with local law enforcement to keep a closer eye on their community and its day-to-day activity.

As a neighborhood watch, residents should take time to survey the community for weak spots. Look for overgrown landscaping, dark areas, unlit houses, unlocked gates, or broken security cameras. People meaning harm will be looking for these weaknesses as well. As you find these spots, take steps to correct them, like trimming bushes, lighting streets and other dark areas, and fixing broken security cameras.

Establish a Good Relationship with Local Law Enforcement

Local law enforcement relies on communities to report suspicious and hostile activity. So, if you “see something, say something”. It is important for a community to establish a good relationship with their local law enforcement. Consider inviting them to patrol your neighborhood, supporting police events, and identifying your HOA’s liaison to maintain open communication.

Keep Neighborhood Well Lit

A well-lit neighborhood is a big obstacle for burglars. If installing streetlamps isn’t an option, residents should consider these alternatives: turning on porchlights at night, installing motion activated lights near entryways, and pathway lights. A person trying to unlawfully enter homes will attempt so with houses that shield them, so lighting up entry points and streets is a great way to protect your HOA.

Prepare When Going Out of Town

Most homes that experience a break-in, happen while the homeowner is away. With a few simple steps, residents can take measures to avoid being an easy target while they’re out of town. Asking a trusted friend or neighbor to keep an eye on your home is one easy way to ensure anything out of the ordinary is caught immediately. Also, utilizing a video doorbell will allow you to keep an eye on any visitors who visit your front door in your absence. Other steps like, installing automatic ground or porch lights, and pausing your mail, will give your home the illusion of still being occupied while away.

Emergency Contact Info on Community Website

If your association hasn’t already, consider adding emergency contact information to your community website. Emergency contact information can include members of the community’s neighborhood watch, the local police and fire departments, and any other local services that may come in handy during an emergency.

Having easy access to emergency contacts, can help homeowners feel better prepared in stressful situations.

Taking proper security measures like setting up cameras, maintaining a well-lit community, and establishing a good relationship with local law enforcement, will help ensure your community is safe and desirable for residents. These tips can help eliminate emergency situations and keep your community a safe, and happy place to live.

If you have questions on how to secure your community, don’t hesitate to contact JellyBird. We would be happy to chat with you about the best security options for your HOA.